Friends of BIZAA
Rescuing and providing education to child labor and trafficking victims is very important to us and our Friends of BIZAA. Our mission is to provide rescued children with primary and secondary education and young adults with technical training that will give them a more hopeful future. How do we do it? We work to arrange education through sponsorship, generate micro-grant programs for families and to increase our Friends of BIZAA membership.
Our vision is to grow our affiliation of organizations, schools and corporations to help further our goal of providing education to the most vulnerable among us. As we move forward, we continue to facilitate enrollment of young children into the existing private-school system and are working to build a technical college for young adults with the help of Friends of BIZAA.

Currently, BIZAA is in the process of developing educational curriculum for local schools and religious organizations within our affiliation, in order to educate our children about the significance of global solidarity and the problems of child labor, trafficking and domestic servitude in Africa.
Educational Programs in Progress
- Primary and secondary school for rescued children of grade school and high school ages
- Two year-skill acquisition/technical college for post secondary school age young adults
- Friends of BIZAA educational program for local children
- Self-reliance group educational program for parents of victims: a prerequisite for the micro-grant qualification
Partnership Programs
Faith-Based Organizations
- Allow us to promote BIZAA and the need for child sponsors in your church bulletin two weekends per year
- Invite BIZAA to your church for a documentary screening of The Boy They Called Bizarre
- Allow us to share our annual mission trip experiences with your congregation one weekend per year
- Encourage a representative from your congregation to join our BIZAA Planning Committee
- Invite Okey to speak at your school once a year
- Invite BIZAA to your school for a documentary screening of The Boy They Called Bizarre
- Hold a fundraiser to sponsor a child’s tuition at your school once a year
- Contact us about specific ways your school can fundraise
Businesses and Organizations
- Allow us to to promote BIZAA in your business or organization newsletter once a year
- Invite us to share our annual mission trip experience with your members, committees or employees once a year
- Invite BIZAA to your business or organization for a documentary screening of The Boy They Called Bizarre
- Join our BIZAA Planning Committee or encourage an employee or a member from your organization to join our planning committee
- Make a donation to BIZAA
Featured Partnerships and Corporate Sponsors