Founded in 2010, BIZAA (Basic Institute for Zonal African Advancement) is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to the empowerment of the youngest citizens of Africa.
Our grassroots initiatives of providing educational sponsorships are eliminating childhood labor and trafficking one child at a time.

Our Mission is to provide education, technical training and job placement to African children in order to end childhood trafficking once and for all.
Our Vision
- Form a strong and impactful coalition of religious organizations, schools and corporations.
- Initiate viable strategies to get underprivileged and vulnerable children off the streets and out of factories and farms, and return them home to their families.
- Enroll children in existing education institutions with demonstrated records of success.
- Create a vocational school opportunity for secondary students to continue their education.
Our Story | Watch the Documentary
"The Boy They Called Bizarre"
As an African teenager, Biza (Okey Anyanwu) cared for child laborers on the streets of Nigeria while heading to school every day. Giving away his school snacks from his backpack to feed the hungry children, he survived his days at school by begging for food from his classmates, that is, until the Head Master found out and called his behavior bizarre.
Now, a man, he is only known as Biza (Bizarre) in Nigeria, a name that he carries with him and that has changed the course of his life and the lives of the most forgotten among us. Working to get children off the streets and into school, Biza arrives home to Nigeria from the United States and learns within hours that two eight-year-old twin brothers who were once farm laborers that he placed in school have been kidnapped and sold to traffickers. Will he find the boys before it’s too late or will they be lost forever?
Change a Child's Life Today
Your donation can move a child in Africa from working on the streets — subject to countless dangers and child trafficking, to studying in the classroom.
Moving Children from the Street to the Classroom Since 2010
Children Placed
Frequently Asked Questions
What is BIZAA?
BIZAA is the acronym for “Basic Institute for Zonal African Advancement.” It is a faith-based initiative focused on fighting the tragedy of child labor, child trafficking and domestic servitude in targeted African countries, starting with Nigeria.
Is BIZAA a licensed Non-profit?
Yes, BIZAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law.
IS My Contribution Tax Deductible?
Yes, your donation is tax deductible. All donations should be made payable to BIZAA.
Who benefits from BIZAA?
The primary beneficiaries are African child laborers, child trafficking victims and children in domestic servitude and their families. Secondary beneficiaries are American youth in the churches and schools which participate in a curriculum meant to emphasize the promise of global solidarity and explore the injustices of child labor, trafficking and domestic servitude.
Where is the headquarters for BIZAA?
Our U.S. headquarters is in Minnesota, while our African headquarters is in Imo State of Nigeria. All mailed correspondences should be sent to the attention of BIZAA , 13570 Grove Drive #279, Maple Grove, MN 55311.
How are the results of BIZAA efforts measured?
We measure results by evaluating our annual plans under these categories: objectives, action plan, expected outcome, and evidence of achievement. We collect data on a monthly basis through our meeting reports from both local and international teams.
Are there paid positions at BIZAA?
We have been blessed with dedicated volunteers both locally and internationally. However, we provide a small remuneration to the organizational liaisons in Nigeria, to encourage and assist them in managing the BIZAA projects in their communities.
Other than donations, how can I get involved?
There are many opportunities to volunteer in our local programs-team membership, attending committee meetings, assisting with youth programs, fundraising for a particular area of BIZAA support, participating in the annual mission trip, donating basic hygiene supplies, and packaging and assembling donations to be shipped. Organizations and schools are encouraged to join the Coalition as advisory members to the BIZAA Board. For more information contact Okey@bizaa.org.
Will my information be shared outside BIZAA?
No. donors will remain anonymous and no information will be shared with other organizations.
How are sponsorships utilized?
Donations are allocated towards the education fund which sends child street laborers to school and gives their families a small micro-loan to off-set the lost income from the child not working. Ninety-five percent of donations collected goes directly towards helping the children, only five-percent is used for administrative expenses in Nigeria.